
Perpetual calendar

Available soon from our website.


Corridors and cupcakes

On Mondays Kate lectures in Graphic Design at University College Falmouth... This morning this filled the corridor!


Hand printed boxes

Finally we've found a way to screen print our calendar box, it's taken a while...!



An exciting afternoon experimenting... some lovely things on the way!


Branch stands...

Another making day - branch orders to assemble and wrap... and screen printing. A lovely end to the week.

A little field mouse house?

Field finds on our walk today... is someone sleeping in there?

A special Cornish Hamper...

Made with gorgeous treats from Rick Stein's and of course our sandcastle bowl...



More beautiful paper sculptures from Jen Stark

When it is really cold...

We have visits from the Lapwings... they are amazing birds with a very striking appearance: black and white plumage, iridescent green back, and its black crest.

I have been trying to film them in flight for days... to no avail, I will keep trying!


We love paper

And this is just amazing! Beautiful paper sculptures by Jen Stark

Davos Sledge

Bought this beautiful sledge from the auction last week... Just need some snow now!


February skies

Our Birdball birdhouses at Willow and Stone

Sarah always puts together the most beautiful window displays in her shop Willow and Stone in Falmouth... We think this one looks great with our Birdball birdhouse in terracotta...


Frozen sea at Padstow


From sketch to prototype to production and manufacturer... our workshop is a magical place where our thoughts and ideas come to life.

A room with a view...

We are so lucky to have such beautiful views from our window, overlooking vast sand dunes, on clear days we can see St Ives, on windy days sea horses, some of these days we though would be great to share... Today, icy cold and a beautiful sunset.

The Atlantic Highway...

On route to a day out in Padstow, the most amazing road... Beautiful views over Watergate bay, Cornwall.



... And light! A beautiful evening walking our labrador Tarka.

geordiebooker blog: Kelvin Helmholtz

geordiebooker blog: Kelvin Helmholtz: Talk about sheer blind luck! This morning I was battling with our internet speed, our ageing mac and the fact that neither of them wanted to...

Eight of the best Birdfeeders... Daily Mail

Thank you to the Daily Mail for featuring our peanut feeders in their eight of the best... available at Hen and Hammock.

Lloyd’s Blog: TINY HOMES in Today's Wall Street Journal

Lloyd’s Blog: TINY HOMES in Today's Wall Street Journal

The biggest of thank you's to Adam - who works with us giving us a copy of this publication. Adam is amazing, such a huge support and so very kind... perfect timing thank you for everything.